Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Christmas closure

Unfortunately after reviewing the ongoing situation on Monday it has been decided the reserve will have to remain closed into the new year. 

Whilst the Environment Agency flood defences at Bethell's Bridge held up during last weekends high tides and rainfall, the banks were again over-topped (inlcuding the new sand bags laid down).  You can see the peak in the river on Friday 13th and it would seem anything above 3.7m overtop occurs:

with continued evidence of damage:

The sand bagging operation is a slow down rather than the solution - which is to drive sheet piling into the banks.  The EA is fast tracking this process which should be getting underway soon.  However all access will be through the reserve car park with additional compounds and work areas going up another factor. 

The tides are falling now but due to peak again on the 27th - and with wet weather again in the mix on saturated ground and very high tributaries we could well be in the same scenario again before the permanent repairs are made.  Due to the high river level there needs to be a delay in pumping out the Barmston Drain afterwards to allow the river to drop down again; You can see the impact of Friday 13th rain on the drain level at Wilfholme here;

So rather than try and juggle an opening of the reserve it will remain closed.  If the river were to breach it seems sensible to not add reserve visitors, volunteers and staff into the mix whom aren't necessary unlike the Water Treatment Works operatives and residents.  The Water Treatment works is now fully armoured with flood barriers and pumps and will stay this way for some time. 

Engineers are checking the barriers every three hours and will be monitoring the reserve also for security.  Please do not attempt to visit.  The car park is locked as are all bird hides on site. 

Unfortunately it also means that the photography exhibtion will be postponed also - along with the annual new year's day year listing event.  2019 has been a memorable year in many ways and perhaps the highlight for me has been the reserve's return to form for wading birds with the glossy ibis, spoonbills and white rumped sandpiper from the new Izzard hide.  Thanks to everyone whom has helped out over the year and here's to a drier 2020...