Saturday 17 July 2010

Tigers at Tophill

Trapped at Tophill Low today were this pair of tigers - ruby tiger below:

And garden tiger too:

Below is one of the mayflys present in the trap too - possibly Ephemerella ignita?

Bird movements are still steady - a greenshank has been present at Watton early in the week. Common sandpiper has been moving round the reserve and is pictured on South Marsh East with a young common tern and pair of lapwing below:

A juvenille redshank was one of the first of the autumn through too (hopelessly over-exposed!):

Other sightings of the week included turtle doves in South Scrub, a hobby over North Marsh, and the first Dunlin on South Marsh East. Dragonfly wise we have had a few southern and brown hawkers on the wing with some ruddy darters today. Tony McLean got the barn owl over North Marsh too - see link.

The otter sighting reported last Sunday came back with a photo to Derrick Venus - have a look on the Hull Valley site here.

We also caught up with one of our foxes on the trail camera too - one of the few to apparently register the infra red glow when the camera is activated: