Needing lots of voles - Bill Eggleton:
Tufty family on North Pond - John Coish:
Mayfly sp. by Bruce Pillinger:
And emergent damselfly nymphs around the reservoir walls by Roy and Lukas:
If only they paid more attention to the stencils!:
Bee orchid by Chris Bell - Nest box team man Terry Mahoney managed to get the count up to a probable all tome record of 199 around the O reservoir last week. What's so good about this year if you're an orchid is unknown:
Common Blue by Roy Vincent:
Along with ringlet:
At least one osprey was still hanging around last weekend - great shots here by Andy Marshall:
Roy Vincent:
And perhaps also for the future - cracking shot of a common crane coming in to land on Watton NR by Tony McLean - more details on his blog:
Marsh harriers still good enough for us though - North Marsh pair doing well - Darren Smith:
And Bill Eggleton:
Roe deer on North Marsh by Tony Simpson:
And Roy Vincent:
And otter briefly - John Coish:
But the show stealers as ever... Kingfisher season 2014 is now in full swing! Tony Simpson:
Chris Bell:
John Coish:
Bill Eggleton:
Bruce Pillinger:
Alan Wrightson:
Roy Vincent:
And this big bird showed well at numerous birding sites on Saturday - Bill Eggleton:
News of a couple of events this weekend too:
It's national moth night this weekend and to celebrate Martin will be allowing onlookers to join him this Sunday Morning at 10am at the wildlife centre. Its a drop in event so no booking necessary - hopefully a muggy night will produce a trap full of impressive species. A fitting tribute to the milestone 550th species recorded at Tophill Low since 1993 last weekend in the form of poplar kitten - details on Martins blog.
In the afternoon by popular demand too will be a botanical walk with Alan Marshall - our resident botanist and finder of hybrid St.John's wort and other such delights. Again drop in to join him at 2pm on Sunday 6th afternoon.