Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Photography competition winners 2024

Winners of the annual photography competition 

The entries for the 2024 photography competition have been on display over the festive period and visitors have been asked to vote for their overall favourite after the judges made their choices for each category. The results are in and the winning photograph is of a tawny owl which was taken by Andrea Mapplebeck. A difficult woodland species to see, let alone photograph.

This photograph was also the winner of the Best Birdlife category, where the highly commended photographs were Dave Ruffles for his grey wagtail, Andrea Mapplebeck for a Tawny owl flying and Jack Emmanuel for a  marsh harrier in flight.

The other winning photos for the different categories were 

Best Invertebrate

Winner Pat Hogarth – Willow Emerald 

Highly commended     Leanne Martin – Muslin moth 

                                      Steve Browne – Common darter


Best botanical

Winner Pat Hogarth – Cow parsley

Highly commended                Alan Gray – Lots of fungi

Les Frost – Sticky ink cap

Best Landscape

Winner Geraldine Gray – South marsh west

Highly commended     Danielle Clegg

                                      Alan Gray

Best wildfowl

Winner Steve Browne – Shoveler in flight

Highly commended     Jack Emmanuel – female teal


Best kingfisher

Winner Dave Ruffles

Highly commended     Andrea Mapplebeck

                                      Les Frost

Young photographer

Winner Artur (Children’s university group) Bee on daisy

Highly commended     Hamza (Kingsmill)


Best livestock

Winner Joanna Godfrey – goats with cattle egret

Highly commended     Les Frost

                                      Pat Hogarth

Best animal

Winner Steve Browne – Hedgehog

Highly commended     Geraldine Gray – Grass snake


Best wading bird

Winner Jack Emmanuel – Snipe

Highly commended     Pat Hogarth – cattle egret

                                      Dave Ruffles – little egret


Thank you to all the visitors who entered this year's competition and showed what a great variety of wildlife uses the diverse habitats that we have here at the reserve. 

And well done to all the winners. Time to start to take photos for next year!


Friday, 20 December 2024

Festive season 2024

Festive season approaches

North lagoon undergoes a facelift

The reserve at Tophill Low surrounds the clean water treatment works, with south and north lagoon receiving some of the excess filtered water. At the moment, north lagoon has been drained and in the new year it will start to receive water again and fill up. Now is the time to do habitat work to make sure that once the water level returns then so will the wildlife. Our fantastic volunteer team have been busy cutting down willows, building a new kingfisher nesting site, installing new kingfisher feeding perches and designing and positioning duck nesting platforms, along with weaving a willow screen so that as visitors walk past, they do not disturb the wildlife. Autumn and winter are the busiest times for habitat management on the reserve so it’s very much all go, and we would like to thank the volunteers for all their efforts throughout the year as we really couldn’t create such varied habitats without their help.

New kingfisher nesting hole outside north lagoon hide

Building duck nesting platforms on north lagoon

Visitors with a keen interest in photography were invited to enter our annual photography competition, which showcases the wildlife that uses the reserve. The exhibition of all the entries can be viewed over the festive season, which is being held in the classroom, downstairs in the main reception building. We are asking people to vote for their own overall winning photograph, the public vote. This image will then be used on our membership cards for 2025. Please do come and visit the exhibition and cast your vote, and perhaps be inspired to enter next year. The prize for the winners of each category is a full years membership.

Photo exhibition on display in the Holt

As visitors return via the nature trail route you may now notice that there is a second polytunnel in situ. This is yet another venture for the reserve and the wider Yorkshire Water biodiversity team. This new polytunnel will be set up and dedicated to growing on sphagnum moss, ready for replanting the many upland areas that Yorkshire Water owns and manages as their water catchment areas, mostly situated in the west of the county. So rather than relying on other sources for this valuable plant to restore upland areas, helping to store more carbon and soak up more water, keeping water back from areas at risk of flooding, we will be growing it ourselves here at Tophill Low. Exciting times. If any visitors would like more information about our plant propagation scheme or indeed want to be involved please talk to one of the wardens or our team of volunteers.

New sphagnum polytunnel

The wildfowl on the reserve at the moment looks stunning as the male ducks look splendid coming into their breeding season. Male goldeneyes and shovelers were seen yesterday displaying in front of east hide, which overlooks D reservoir. Males will pair up as soon as they can before heading back to their breeding grounds, look out for the goldeneyes throwing back their heads onto their backs to impress the females and compete with other males. The male shovelers put all their energies into pushing their beaks along, just under the surface of the water, stretching out their necks, in front of the females to entice them.  Another visitor on D reservoir, which was blown inland from the east coast after the recent storms is a black throated diver. These birds are usually found in small numbers along the coast during the winter months, having bred further north in the sea lochs of northern Scotland. On the sea they are hard to find and difficult to view so it is a delight to be able to have the opportunity of seeing this bird in front of the main reception hide. Look out for a bird that is similar in shape, size and colour to a cormorant but has a much ‘deeper’ body, whiter throat and its bill is broader and dagger like, helping it to feed on the reservoir fish!

Photo by Lee Johnson

 Also on the reserve is the return of a male smew, a smart white and black, small, diving duck which has been frequenting the Watton nature reserve part of Tophill, but occasionally seen feeding on D reservoir. In amongst the hundreds of shoveler, teal, tufted duck, goldeneyes and pochard there is a pair of red crested pochards.The males have a bright red bill and a stunning set of orangey red head feathers, whereas the female, like most ducks have a more subtle plumage; sexual dimorphism is typical in duck species. Elsewhere cattle egrets are becoming a regular sighting feeding in around the goats on north scrub and Hempholme meadow, so too, great white egrets, two often being seen along the riverbank. Visitors have been lucky enough to spot Jack snipe from south marsh west hide, usually right in front of the hide! Another exciting newcomer to the reserve has been several sightings of bearded tits feeding on the reed mace on the southern marshes.

Smew by Margaret Boyd

If you are planning to visit the reserve over the festive season, the reserve is open from 9am to 5pm, every day except Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Admission is £3.50 for adults, £2.50 concessions, £1.50 for children. Please note there are no refreshment facilities and dogs are not allowed.

Best wishes to all our volunteers and visitors for a peaceful Christmas and a joyful new year


Margaret, Richard and Amy

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Annual photography competition 2024

Calling all wildlife photographers

As the end of the year approaches this is the ideal time to look back on all the wildlife experiences that you have captured as a photographer and enter our annual competition. Not only is this a chance to win a years FREE membership to the reserve but it is a great chance to share your photographs with everyone. Sometimes our visitors don't get to see all the wildlife that inhabits the reserve so please share your photos with us.

There are a variety of categories that can be entered, whether your photograph is of a common woodland bird, the comical marsh frog or one of our livestock grazers please sort through your collection and send your entry in to the reserve.

The categories are

Best bird life
Best kingfisher
Best animal
Best livestock
Best wading bird
Best landscape
Best wildfowl
Best invertebrate
Best botanical/fungi
Best young photographer
Best in show (decided by public vote)

We are taking entries from 1st to 10th December, then all photographs will be on display from 14th December in our classroom, the Holt, so that visitors can view all entries and vote for their favourite overall winner which will be used on next years membership card.

There are a few rules so please read them below, any questions then just ask and good luck! We are really looking forward to seeing some of the amazing photographs that have been taken here at the reserve throughout 2024.

Terms of entry

• Any picture entered must have been taken between 01/12/2023 – 10/12/2024. Entry open to all visitors and members and it must be their own work.

• Exhibitors may enter every eligible category if they wish, but entries are limited to 2 images per photographer per category.

• All pictures must have been taken within the Tophill Low recording area (I.e. the Yorkshire Water owned site, Watton Nature Reserve or the Approach road to Angram Farm).

• Photo post processing is permitted.

• Photos can be submitted from 12pm 1st December and entries close at 12pm on the 10th of December 2024. No early or late entries will be considered. Entries must remain in the exhibition for the duration of the exhibition. The exhibition will start on the 14th December and run until 5th January.

• Competition results will be announced at 5pm 20th December 2024 via the Tophill Low Nature Reserve blog. Public vote submission will be shared on social media on 3rd January with the winner being displayed in the Reception Hide and could become the new Tophill Low membership card for 2025/26.

• All pictures must be no larger than A2 (or 420mm X 594mm) including any mount. No wooden or glass frames will be accepted. They must be clearly labelled with your name on the reverse, no images with names on the front will be considered so public voting is fair.

• ‘Best Young Photographer’ category is open to ages 17 years and under. Direction and guidance permitted from an elder – but photographs must be taken by the younger.

• Photos will be displayed and judged by a team assembled at the discretion of the Reserve Warden. It will be the judging panel’s decision, and they may refuse entry to images considered not to meet the criteria. The panel’s decision is final.

• The judging panel will not involve any exhibitors in the competition.

• ‘Best in Show’ will be chosen by public vote via public ballot. The ballot starts on 14th December and closes at 5pm on the 3rd January 2024. No late votes will be counted. The vote is limited to 3 selections per voter. Your 3 selections can be taken from any category.

• Tophill Low Nature Reserve reserves the right to use the images supplied in the promotion of the site and could be used for the 2025 membership card. Credit will be given to the photographers wherever appropriate.

• A prize of a season’s free membership will be given to the winner in each category. If you win more than one category, you will still only receive one membership. The upcoming membership season start is 1st April 2025.


Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Grand Designs and bird friendly building design


Chances are you are here off the back of the Grand Designs series 25 first episode on the Old Coastguard Station at Flamborough head.  The producers of the popular Channel 4 program contacted us in 2020 as the featured project has large glass panes in a migration hotspot and planners had stipulated anti bird strike glass.  

Our own project started many years earlier off the back of the need to replace some of our ageing hides and a visitor centre that were beyond repair and needed replacing.  A big problem for us was that in an age of social media, potential visitors were seeing amazing wildlife images but on arrival their first experience on the reserve was this:

People make a judgement about a site within the first ten minutes of arrival, and unfortunately that was frequently negative leading to user conflict.  We needed to get people of all abilities connected with the nearest habitat as soon as possible - and that meant more light and better visibility - but how to do that when we have a Site of Special Scientific Interest underneath us? 

With our architects Group Ginger of Leeds we looked at some of the research on mitigating bird collision risk.  The British Trust for Ornithology in 2004 estimated 100 million birds were killed by window strikes with glass in the UK, of which based on ringing data approximately 1/3rd die.  And research by Dr Daniel Klem in the US suggests that between 100 million and 1 billion birds are killed annually by glass representing potentially 5% of the breeding population second only to cats.  This image by Patricia Homonylo won 2024's Bird Photographer of the Year Competition featuring over 4000 casualties of glass collected in Toronto as a means to draw attention to this under-discussed issue:

Birds don't see the same triggers such as dirt or frames that we do.  Particularly when startled, they immediately go for open sky or dense vegetation.  Both of which can be reflected by glazing.  The American Bird Conservancy have a really good guide on the problems and potential mitigation of glazing here.   As a rule the 'falcon cut outs' many of us try out of guilt at a casualty on the patio doors don't work.  Advocated is Dr Klem's 2”x4” guideline – that birds are unlikely to fly through a horizontal gap less than 2 inches high, or through a vertical space less than 4” wide.   This can be manifested by installing external barring physical or etched onto the glass and many buildings have been retrofitted.  

However for our facility to be at one with nature that would mean our windows would look like; 

Less than ideal for viewing. 

As such Group Ginger specified Ornilux glass.  It works on the basis that birds see in the ultra violet spectrum.  For us if we get it at the right angle you can just about see the etching internally;  

It does take the edge off optics to be fair (which is why we still have the conventional birder hide next door with 'old school' shutters for serious observers).  But for the casual user it's barely perceptible.  

This image shows the effect from the outside better; A cryptic pattern that comes across as an impenetrable barrier to birds;

It's fair to say whilst it has not eliminated bird strikes, it has certainly reduced them substantially for the frontage of glass.  Other measures we took included ensuring there is no open illumination of the building which could either confuse migratory birds or scare wildfowl on the reservoir.  So we use floor level cinema lights that give enough vision at dusk to move around with:

The book cabinets and units in the room are carefully located to block any through light.  That eliminates a temptation for birds to 'fly through' or see a human silhouette:
Even the log burning stove has no glazed frontage so there is no light emitted:
Continuing the Yorkshire theme the build was project managed by Mason Clarke Associates and built by Houlton of Hull, with all but three of the main suppliers sourced within Yorkshire.  

As a result the building achieved the Royal Institute of British Architects Yorkshire and Humber building of the year in its class; with myself on behalf of Yorkshire Water also picking up client of the year in 2018, pictured with then Conservation, Access and Recreation team leader Geoff Lomas: 

And subsequently it went on to receive a Yorkshire Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors 'Highly Commended'.  Subsequently the building saw its busiest year ever in 2023/4 and has consistently had over 1100 per annum attending Yorkshire Water funded education workshops.  
With this background and its locality to Flamborough the program's producers were keen to feature Tophill Low as a case study for the episode as an example of bird friendly building design, and a day was set in 2020 for filming with Kevin McCloud (all complying within covid guidelines at the time).  Whist a fun day and recognition for us, it is a great opportunity to bring this under acknowledged topic to a wider audience. 

 As Dr Klem referenced it, “if you accept my lowest attrition figure of 100 million annual kills at glass in the U.S. you would need 333 Exxon Valdez oil spills each year to match the carnage.” 

Friday, 23 August 2024

Summer & autumn all at once

Summer & autumn all at once

South marsh

Our volunteers do a range of tasks throughout the year, when it comes to July everyone knows that there's one job that needs to be done and that's hay cutting, And we have a lot of it to do in order to keep our wild flower meadows in the best condition, which means as well as cutting the grass we also have to rake it all up and move it off the meadow, quite a task in the heat. Grass snakes should benefit from the hay piles that you find around the reserve and it keeps the meadows poor in nutrients which encourages more wild flowers.

Hay raking in south scrub

Hay raking

With summer holidays and accompanying good weather our family events programme has been busy. Families have joined the education team to find out about butterflies and the Big Butterfly Count, investigate the invertebrates in the pond and rummage around the woodland on a nature ramble. Children and adults have been able to have fun and learn together at the same time, taking time to wander slowly and really look around at the tiny treasures of wildlife that inhabit our nature reserve here at Tophill. Bookings for the next academic year are now being taken so anyone involved in the primary sector can head to our website at https://www.yorkshirewater.com/education/teachers/availability-booking/ to book their FREE school visit. A great chance to look at the water cycle, local flora and fauna, adaptations and classification; all part of the science national curriculum and all covered in our sessions.

dragonfly craft on family event

Colour matching activity on family event

RSPB Bempton cliffs is a popular destination for holiday makers visiting the area and wanting to view the seabirds. In order to keep the interest of the general public who visit, once the seabirds have left then each year they have a "Wild Event" to showcase other wildlife. As one of our partners in the area we were pleased to head there and promote the reserve and its wildlife and encourage more visitors who may want to explore the brilliant wildlife sites that East Yorkshire has to offer.

Volunteers helping out at Bempton Wild weekend

Even though we consider the months of July and August to be summer in the natural world, autumn has already started and birds are beginning to move south from their breeding grounds and head to their winter feeding areas. The screaming parties of swifts, a regular sight on lovely summer evenings as they fly through the streets hunting insects, have all but disappeared, their stay here in the UK being very short lived. Swallows, house martins and sand martins are gathering on the roof tops and wires, ready for their journeys south, often feeding over the reservoirs where freshwater invertebrates continue to emerge as adult flies, juicy meals for hungry migratory birds.

Exposed mud attracting passage waders on south marsh east

Elsewhere on the reserve, on the southern marshes, passing waders are dropping in to feed on the exposed mud, fuelling up for their own migratory journeys. The marsh has never looked so good to these passage waders and its all down to how they have been managed in recent years so that conditions are optimal to attract wading birds to visit and feed before moving on. 

A big thanks to our volunteer team who have helped keep the marsh an area of open water. The team has done this by strimming the margins to keep down brambles and sprayed the reed mace and phragmites to also keep the margins clear. This allows birds flying overhead better sightlines to see the marsh. The pollarding of the nearby willow, ash and hazel has removed many predator perches, enabling a safer feeding area for waders. Pollarding also encouraging more song birds, which prefer nesting in the lower canopies that pollarding creates. The gravel islands have been washed in previous years to rid them of organic material that encourages vegetation, keeping them clear for nesting common terns and black headed gulls. 

The herd of goats manages the grassland areas for us, grazing the banks down, again improving the sightlines for the wader. The water in the marsh is continually being replenished from the water treatment process, as no one wants invertebrates in their drinking water, so after being filtered out they end up in south marsh and become wader food as it is full of daphnia and other invertebrates. It is important to keep the water flowing in and out of the marsh by clearing the ditches, another task carried out by the volunteer team and we can slowly alter the water level by management of sluices. Overall, the management makes a perfect stopover for these passage waders.

Dunlin by Margaret Boyd

Common sandpiper by Margaret Boyd

Green sandpiper by Margaret Boyd

Snipe by Margaret Boyd

The species that we have had in the last few weeks are dunlin, black tailed godwit, green and common sandpiper, snipe, lapwing, curlew, ruff, avocet, little and great white egret, redshank, golden plover and ringed plover. Quite a variety and coming close to the hides for good views for visitors, so please come down and have a look for yourself.

Another highlight recently, on 2nd August, was the arrival of a Caspian tern, believed to be the second record for the reserve. It was initially observed by a couple of visitors feeding over D reservoir. It was later picked up resting on south marsh and was seen by a number of people before it left later that evening. The largest tern in the world and only a few records each autumn in the UK, it was a very good record for Tophill, only a shame that it didn't linger so that others could come to see it.

Birders watching the Caspian tern on south marsh

Caspian tern by Margaret Boyd